General Infos
It is very tempting and relatively easy to follow a proven path when you are a successfully established artist. Full of risks, but ultimately more rewarding is an inventive and ever changing approach to music making. Cosmin TRG ́s sophomore album “Gordian” is a great example of an artist continuously pushing his own boundaries and denying genre limitations of any kind. It is a mature masterpiece. Not easy listening material, but a delightful listen, packed with plenty of rewarding oddities if you care to really take your time with it.
50 Weapons is preparing a series of remix singles to highlight the DJ aspects of the album. What started with a personal wishlist from Cosmin TRG has turned into a series of splendid remixes.
If you don ́t know who Legowelt is, you have not been following electronic music for long. The dutch producer began releasing music in the 90ies and his list of project names easily fills a couple of pages. His remix of “Terminus Abrupt” is a timeless, superlative techno monster. A synth heavy post Detroit anthem for the floor.
Miles Whittaker is one half of Pendle Coven, one half of Demdike Stare and known
as Miles or MLZ for his solo works. His remix of “Noise Code” is exactly the superb demonstration of deep drone techno dub epicness you would expect. Only it ́s even better!