General Infos
Benjamin Damage & Doc Daneeka finally return to 50WEAPONS for the grand finale with a warped techno tune. The epic nine minute track has a fast forward Berghain feel, building on a bouncey bassline and classic house hihats, creating something that feels dark and futuristic. “Kansas” builds it’s very now dancefloor atmopshere on contrasts. It manages to incorporate a twisted version of an oldschool house organ and some sweet uplifting pads but to still maintain an otherwordly touch. This is a very trippy A side, pushing the limits of genres it will be praised by DJs from quite a few different corners of the dancefloor.
On the flip their buddies Bicep contribute another killer song which is equally hybrid but tends more to the funky side of things. Aptly entitled “Closing sequence” this will work best in the early morning hours with its beautiful arrangement of snyth arpeggios and shiny hihats – to bring out that last drop of energy and a smile on the ravers faces. The perfect tune to never leave the club full of serotonine and a smooth kick in the butt. Could also be used for training for the next marathon. Unstoppable.