SSPB012 | Released: 2019-09-13

Fundamental Knowledge - 1994 – 2

  • 12"
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Fundamental Knowledge, Skeemask - 1994-2 - 2019 Version by Skeemask
Fundamental Knowledge - 1994-2
Fundamental Knowledge, Fadi Mohem - 1994-21 - 2019 Version by Fadi Mohem
Fundamental Knowledge - 1994-21

12" Infos

Limited 12" Vinyl.
Including a black & white photo print in 12″ size. All pictures are taken by Sebastian Szary in the area of the Seilscheibenpfeiler.
Only available via the Monkeytown Webshop & Bandcamp.

All sleeves and covers are made of 100% recycled material.

Safety and Manufacturer information:

Monkeytown Music GmbH
Brückenstraße 1
10179 Berlin

A1 1994-2 (2019 Version by Skee Mask)
A2 1994-2 (Original Mix)
B1 1994-21 (2019 Version by Fadi Mohem)
B2 1994-21 (Original Mix)

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General Infos

This four-track-EP celebrates the spirit out of which Seilscheibenpfeiler was born. It contains two unreleased 1994 productions by Sebastian Szary’s Fundamental Knowledge project, which started the label back in the day. They are complemented with present day reworks by Fadi Mohem and Skeemask, breathing new life into these 25 years old but far from outdated tracks by adding a little extra punch through modern means of production.

Fadi and Skeemask deliberately don’t apply any specific modern elements to Szary’s vintage tracks, instead they enhance their classic Minimal-meets-Hardcore-meets-Acid feel. It’s a transmission from a Golden Techno Age where all was one, capturing the sweaty, hard, yet light footed sound of post-wall Berlin, with all its associations from Tresor to Love Parade.
„1994 – 2“ sounds hypnotic and airy, while rumbling on the lower end. What a perfect opportunity for Skeemask to flesh out the track with his hefty trademark breakbeats! Fadi Mohem revamps the acidic „1994 – 21“ with equal respect and efficiency, providing the kick drum power needed for big soundsystems.

If you don’t look at the titles, it may at first be hard to discern which is which, what’s past and what’s present – a fact that honors both versions new and old.

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Fundamental Knowledge