Gajek ’17: The story behind
Last year, on November 3rd to be exact, Gajek released ’17, the follow-up to his critically acclaimed debut album Restless Shapes. XLR8R included the record in their Best-of 2017 roundup, describing it as “an example of contemporary IDM at its very best”.
Now, a few months later Gajek sat down with XLR8R to talk about his creative approach and – of course – the gear he uses to create the unique sound that has become his trademark. Read the full studio feature HERE.
The challenge is to get to the sweet spot between preconception and letting go. It’s great if it works. Sometimes it doesn’t. And that is great too.

Für Gajeks und unsere deutschsprachige Fans gibt es außerdem einen sehr schönen Artikel in der Berliner taz. Das Interview gibt es inzwischen HIER in voller Länge zum Nachlesen.